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30.11.2012 05:41 - Унгарски депутат - националист със списък на евреи - заплаха за националната сигурност, според него
Автор: samvoin Категория: Политика   
Прочетен: 1039 Коментари: 0 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 30.11.2012 05:48

Изказване на зам.-председателя на националистическата партия вся смут   от iNews.bg | 27.11.2012 | 18:02 2               image sxc.hu Още по темата Повече за:

Депутат от унгарския парламент внесе раздор в заседателната зала, след като изброи имена на еврейски граждани, които представляват заплаха за националната сигурност, съобщи BBC.

Думите на националиста Мартон Гьогюси, които е зам.-председател на партията "Йобик", бяха осъдени от правителството.

Партията "Йобик" е третата най-голяма парламентарна група в Унгария, която заема 47 места от 368-членния парламент.

Партията бе обвинена в тормоз върху ромско малцинство. Тогава "Йобик" обяви, че брани обществения ред.

Докато течеше дебатът за конфликта в Близкия Изток между Израел и Ивицата Газа, Гьогюси заяви, че е "време да се направи оценка колко унгарски депутати и членове на правителството имат еврейски корени, и до колко представляват риск за националната сигурност".

От правителството бяха категорични, че всеки гражданин ще бъде опазен от подобни обиди.


  image   Снимка: АФП Унгария осъди идеята на крайнодесен депутат за „регистър на евреите” 27 ноември 2012 | 17:50 | Агенция "Фокус" Начало / Европейски съюз Будапеща. Унгарското правителство осъди призива на крайнодесен депутат за изготвянето на регистър на унгарските граждани „от еврейски произход”, според когото те представляват заплаха за националната сигурност, предаде АФП.
„Унгарското правителство осъжда по най-остър начин изказването на депутата от "Йобик" Мартон Гьонгьоши в парламента. Правителството се противопоставя на всички форми или изразност на екстремизъм, расизъм или антисемитизъм, и прави всичко по силите си за борба с това”, се казва в правителственото изявление.
В понеделник депутатът посочи осемдневния конфликт между Израел и палестинското движение „Хамас” в Ивицата Газа като причина за съставянето на списъка. При конфликта загинаха шестима израелци и 163 палестинци. © 2012 Всички права запазени. Позоваването на Информационна агенция "Фокус" е задължително!

Marton Gyongyosi, Hungary Far-Right Leader, Demands List Of Jews Who Pose "National Security Risk"

Reuters  |  Posted: 11/27/2012 7:01 am EST Updated: 11/28/2012 10:02 am EST

  image 371 67 51 1002 Get World Alerts: Sign Up   Follow: Video, Marton Gyongyosi, Marton Gyongyosi Jew List, Hungar National Security Risk Jews, Hungary, Hungary Jobbik, Hungary Jobbik Party, Hungary Jew List, Hungary List Of Jews, Jobbik, Jobbik Marton Gyongyosi, Reuters, World News  


By Marton Dunai

BUDAPEST, Nov 27 (Reuters) - A Hungarian far-right politician urged the government to draw up lists of Jews who pose a "national security risk", stirring outrage among Jewish leaders who saw echoes of fascist policies that led to the Holocaust.

Marton Gyongyosi, a leader of Hungary"s third-strongest political party Jobbik, said the list was necessary because of heightened tensions following the brief conflict in Gaza and should include members of parliament.

Opponents have condemned frequent anti-Semitic slurs and tough rhetoric against the Roma minority by Gyongyosi"s party as populist point scoring ahead of elections in 2014.

Jobbik has never called publicly for lists of Jews.

"I am a Holocaust survivor," said Gusztav Zoltai, executive director of the Hungarian Jewish Congregations" Association. "For people like me this generates raw fear, even though it is clear that this only serves political ends. This is the shame of Europe, the shame of the world."

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Hungarian Jews died in the Holocaust, according to the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Budapest. According to some accounts, one in three Jews killed in Auschwitz were Hungarian nationals.

Gyongyosi"s call came after Foreign Ministry State Secretary Zsolt Nemeth said Budapest favoured a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as benefiting both Israelis with Hungarian ancestry, Hungarian Jews and Palestinians in Hungary.

Gyongyosi, who leads Jobbik"s foreign policy cabinet, told Parliament: "I know how many people with Hungarian ancestry live in Israel, and how many Israeli Jews live in Hungary," according to a video posted on Jobbik"s website late on Monday.

"I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary."

Gyongyosi, 35, is the son of a diplomat who grew up mostly in the Middle East and Asia -- Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and India -- and whose office is decorated by Iranian and Turkish souvenirs. He graduated with a degree in business and political science from Trinity College in Dublin in 2000.

He worked for four years at the Dublin office of KPMG, then returned to Budapest in 2005. He has been active in Jobbik since 2006 and became their MP in 2010.


The government condemned the remarks.

"The government strictly rejects extremist, racist, anti-Semitic voices of any kind and does everything to suppress such voices," the government spokesman"s office said.

Laszlo Kover, the Speaker of parliament, who is from the ruling Fidesz party, also issued a statement on Tuesday in which he called for a tightening of house rules that would allow a sanctioning of such behaviour.

Gyongyosi tried to play down his comments on Tuesday, saying he was referring to citizens with dual Israeli-Hungarian citizenship.

"I apologise to my Jewish compatriots for my declarations that could be misunderstood," he said on Jobbik"s website.

He later told a news conference that he would not resign and considered the matter "closed," national news agency MTI reported.

Jobbik"s anti-Semitic discourse often evokes a centuries-old blood libel - the accusation that Jews used Christians" blood in religious rituals.

"Jobbik has moved from representing medieval superstition (of the blood libel) to openly Nazi ideologies," wrote Slomo Koves, chief rabbi of the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation.


Jobbik registered as a political party in 2003, and gained increasing influence as it radicalized gradually, vilifying Jews and the country"s 700,000 Roma.

The group gained notoriety after founding the Hungarian Guard, an unarmed vigilante group reminiscent of World War Two-era far-right groups. It entered Parliament at the 2010 elections and holds 44 of 386 seats.

The centre-right government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has struggled to pull Hungary out of recession as many European countries suffer from an economic crisis.

Orban"s Fidesz has lost more than a million voters since 2010, even though it is still the strongest political force.

More than half of Hungary"s electorate is undecided and having retained its voter base, some analysts say Jobbik could hold the balance of power in the 2014 elections between Fidesz and the fragmented left-wing opposition.

www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/27/marton-gyongyosi-jew-list_n_2196744.html - видео

Hungary: Far-right leader demands lists of Jews who pose risk to national security             7 Votes


Far-right politician urges government to draw up lists of Jews who pose ‘national security risk’, stirring outrage among Jewish leaders


A Hungarian far-right politician urged the government to draw up lists of Jews who pose a “national security risk”, stirring outrage among Jewish leaders who saw echoes of fascist policies that led to the Holocaust.

Marton Gyongyosi, leader of Hungary’s third-strongest political party Jobbik, said the list was necessary because of heightened tensions following the brief conflict in Gaza and should include members of parliament.

Opponents have condemned frequent anti-Semitic slurs and tough rhetoric against the Roma minority by Gyongyosi’s party as populist point scoring ahead of elections in 2014.

But Jobbik has never called publicly for lists of Jews.

“I am a Holocaust survivor,” said Gusztav Zoltai, executive director of the Hungarian Jewish Congregations’ Association. “For people like me this generates raw fear, even though it is clear that this only serves political ends. This is the shame of Europe, the shame of the world.”

Between 500,000 and 600,000 Hungarian Jews died in the Holocaust, according to the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Budapest. According to some accounts, one in three Jews killed in Auschwitz were Hungarian nationals.

Gyongyosi’s call came after Foreign Ministry State Secretary Zsolt Nemeth said Budapest favoured a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as benefiting both Israelis with Hungarian ancestry, Hungarian Jews and Palestinians in Hungary.

Gyongyosi told Parliament: “I know how many people with Hungarian ancestry live in Israel, and how many Israeli Jews live in Hungary,” according to a video posted on Jobbik’s website late on Monday.

“I think such a conflict makes it timely to tally up people of Jewish ancestry who live here, especially in the Hungarian Parliament and the Hungarian government, who, indeed, pose a national security risk to Hungary.”


The government released a terse condemnation of the remarks.

“The government strictly rejects extremist, racist, anti-Semitic voices of any kind and does everything to suppress such voices,” the government spokesman’s office said.

Gyongyosi sought to play down his comments on Tuesday, saying he was referring to citizens with dual Israeli-Hungarian citizenship.

“I apologize to my Jewish compatriots for my declarations that could be misunderstood,” he said on Jobbik’s website.

Jobbik’s anti-Semitic discourse often evokes a centuries-old blood libel – the accusation that Jews used Christians’ blood in religious rituals.

“Jobbik has moved from representing medieval superstition (of the blood libel) to openly Nazi ideologies,” wrote Slomo Koves, chief rabbi of the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation.

Jobbik registered as a political party in 2003, and gained increasing influence as it radicalized gradually, vilifying Jews and the country’s 700,000 Roma.

The group gained notoriety after founding the Hungarian Guard, an unarmed vigilante group reminiscent of World War Two-era far-right groups. It entered Parliament at the 2010 elections and holds 44 of 386 seats.

Hungary has been among European states worst hit by the recent economic crisis and the center-right government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has struggled to exit recession.


Официален сайт на партията: www.jobbik.com/

Видео-канал на партията: www.youtube.com/user/JOBBIKparlamentVideo

Кога ли ще дойде деня и България да има такива депутати и политици, такава партия - коректив на системата, поне?
Партия - твърдо стояща, срещу новия нашественик - ЕС и всяко чуждо попълзновение, такова на всяка чужда пета колона от антихристи и българофоби.
Без да твърдя, че тази партия не греши - било за конкретните посочени евреи, особено тези от управляващата партия или в свои антималцинствени залитания - срещу други малцинства, особено у някои представители там.
Все пак обаче, тя обръща внимание и на истински заплахи, врагове и проблеми пред нацията им, за разлика от тукашните медийни "националисти"...
Тя иска и радикална смяна на системата и установените териториални неправди срещу Унгария!



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